Sunday, April 18, 2010

Conceptual Statement for Second Half of the Semester.

The above image found at

A type of desk that often gets overlooked is the child's desk. Where "work" (getting a task done, including learning)is usually the centre theme for an adults desk, to a child play is as serious and important as the "work" of an adult. While adults usually limit what they do to separate areas( a space for writing/computer work, another for reading, another for creative pursuits), the child often does not have this luxury of space. For the child many activities will take place in the same space/desk. I want to explore this limited space dilemma to see if I can create a space that caters for all of a child's play/work needs.

(Below) I like the way they guys at Point have created this private space. Actually a bedroom but is more like a reading room and if you got rid of the bed it would make a great play hut.

As well as wood I want to look at other materials for construction. The guys at Nothing managed to create an entire two levelled office from cardboard. Shows almost anything is possible.

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