Friday, February 26, 2010

Underfoot - Paint

Had a great lunch today thanks to a good friend from uni who took me out on a cafe research mission. She will be opening up her own cafe later this year and we got a talking about floors. Naturally a good old wooden floor would do the trick (which is fine if the place you have acquired already comes with one) but in her case it's a concrete floor (which is also fine but we want something more interesting). Luckily I had recently stumbled upon this example of a painted floor in design*sponge (one of my favourite blogs, go check it out). Here are some before and after shots. Many more photos to be found on their blog... go here.

It got me googeling to see what other ideas were out there. Like the one below...

And this cool one that is more like a rug pattern...

This one is in a kitchen and had the idea of tiles...

This one is my favourite, where you can see the old wooden floor under the painted pattern. It would also work with concrete.

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