Friday, February 26, 2010

Underfoot - Paint

Had a great lunch today thanks to a good friend from uni who took me out on a cafe research mission. She will be opening up her own cafe later this year and we got a talking about floors. Naturally a good old wooden floor would do the trick (which is fine if the place you have acquired already comes with one) but in her case it's a concrete floor (which is also fine but we want something more interesting). Luckily I had recently stumbled upon this example of a painted floor in design*sponge (one of my favourite blogs, go check it out). Here are some before and after shots. Many more photos to be found on their blog... go here.

It got me googeling to see what other ideas were out there. Like the one below...

And this cool one that is more like a rug pattern...

This one is in a kitchen and had the idea of tiles...

This one is my favourite, where you can see the old wooden floor under the painted pattern. It would also work with concrete.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting Crafty.

Finally got back into my crocheting. Made this hanging vase with recycled bottle. I love it because its so whimsical. I wonder what it would look like if I hung a whole lot of the together?

I think I need to start selling. I do want a "real" job but finding work in the creative/crafty sector seems nigh on impossible at the moment. So I'm going to try and make some more and see if anyone else thinks they are as cool as I do (hopefully you will all fall madly in love). So stay tuned, I'll let you know more once I have sorted it. Any advise would be most welcome.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Houses in trees. Blue Forest.

I have a decent sized Oak in our front yard and I'm sure its purpose is to carry my treehouse. Unfortunately I don't know the first thing about building on trees but these guys do. They are Blue Forest from the UK and they specialise in building treehouses. On their website they group the gallery by price ranging from 20,000pounds to over 150,000pounds. That buys you a lot of treehouse. They are primarily built for he child-at-heart rather than just the kids.

Lakeside Paradise
This is one of the more modest treehouses but i like its simplicity and the all-round deck. I could sit up there for hours, read, write, paint and with an extension cable one could even have an endless supply off tea.

Amberley Castle
Imagine if it was your home office...
"I'm off to work honey" *climbs up a tree* Perfect.

But if you are thinking of taking-on your own tree dwelling here is a website to get you pointed in the right direction The Treehouse Guide. I think I will start with a tree swing, maybe a ladder up the trunk and a sitting platform and see where things go from there.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Look what Joel found for me.

First this cute little berry ( can't remember its name). Its little shroud is so delicate.

Then this little critter that was hiding in the weeds.

And a cute little foot but don't forget they are pests that eat the eggs of our native birds.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Zelfbouwboomhut, loosely translated "DIY treehouse", a flatpack treehouse that is strapped to the side of a tree. Personally I love flatpack, they are life sized puzzles I can use, so this is right up my ally.

Designed by a pair of Dutch designers, Rogier Martens, Sam van Veluw, as part of a series called ´AANDEBOOM´. The series it to be completed through the year.

The design of this is all practical. Basic materials and basic construction, the only part that doesn't follow suit is the bracket on the front. It is compleatly ornamental. This gives references to the pulley system found on most traditional Dutch town houses. I think it's gorgeous and would probably hang a flower basket off it. Now to smuggle one into the country for a play.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I wish Auckland was flat.

Because then I could ride a bike everywhere with ease. This is the reason for my longing.

I would probably pair it up with something like this. The blue even matches her shoes.