Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rolling Huts of Ingenuity

I have to say, I have a soft spot for people who bend the rules in cunning ways. These huts were designed by Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Archiects for Tom Kundig. He wanted to build some guest huts but local law forbid any new permanent structures.

So what says temporary more than a set of wheels? Images of caravans come to mind. These are more like the mutated GE version of a caravan gone wrong. Unlike the caravan they are defiantly not going anywhere any time soon and they are certainly not as cute but I still love them. There is just something about the simplicity of them that I find attractive.

And when many are put togeter like the photo above they remind me of a fleet of tanks, all ready to charge. They may be ugly but they work and I would love to spend a nite in one.

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