Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Zelfbouwboomhut, loosely translated "DIY treehouse", a flatpack treehouse that is strapped to the side of a tree. Personally I love flatpack, they are life sized puzzles I can use, so this is right up my ally.

Designed by a pair of Dutch designers, Rogier Martens, Sam van Veluw, as part of a series called ´AANDEBOOM´. The series it to be completed through the year.

The design of this is all practical. Basic materials and basic construction, the only part that doesn't follow suit is the bracket on the front. It is compleatly ornamental. This gives references to the pulley system found on most traditional Dutch town houses. I think it's gorgeous and would probably hang a flower basket off it. Now to smuggle one into the country for a play.

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