Thursday, May 28, 2009

Flickr Find.

These are so many amazing photos on Flickr. Today I stumbled upon a couple of wonderful shots by Picnic by Ellie. Vintage aprons are one of my weaknesses and I'm defiantly going to attempt a version of the first one. The little capped shoulders are so cute!

Maybe I might do a mix of the two. Full skirts are the most fun and dressed up with that string of pearls perfect for hosting dinner, some tea or even a picnic.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Burda style, open source sewing.

It works out that I don't quite have enough grey wool fabric for that dress in the last post and I don't really want another black dress so its off to the fabric store tomorrow. In the mean time I will sew up a black one just to make sure the pattern fits. Might jazz it up with some embroidery or something, I'll let you know.

While in this sewing mood I was doing quite a bit of internet trawling and found this little jem. Burda style, a place for sewers to share patterns and creations. There is a bunch of free patterns to try out.

I found this cute little cape jacket designed by ceregana. Look her up, she's also designed and posted another great jacket, her patterns are easy to print and easy to follow.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cute little dress.

A friend of mine gave me this wonderful vintage dress pattern. I'm trying to decide what sort of fabric to make it from. So far I know I want to make winter and summer versions. Trouble is I have so much black wool that the winter one will probably be black, I would prefer to have it grey. I love grey at the moment. Not flat grey but the sort that is made up of various depths of grey. I do have some grey wool left, fingers crossed I have enough.

As for the summer dress it would be great to get my hands on some blue Japanese fabric similar to the fabric that this pouch is made of.

Or even like the pattern below.

And here are a couple of cute amusing little things I found while googeling Japanese fabrics.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hidden Snowflakes.

Yesterday I was standing at our french doors just breathing breath onto the glass and thinking about drawing some pictures. I stood back and found that a snowflake had appeared. When it fades there is no trace of it.

Then I thought if there is one why not another... Sure enough there was one on the other door. Wonderful!

Monday, May 11, 2009


This is for everyone who loves fabric. I've always wanted to design my own and now I can thanks to the people at Spoonfabric. Just send them what you want and they print it for you. You don't even have to order very much, swatches are $5US to make sure you are getting what you want. I'm thinking maybe a retake on a vintage wallpaper or some whimsical drawings. I can see this could become quite addictive.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Crate inspiration.

I have been thinking about shelving recently. I usually favour custom built bookshelves but the crate caught my fancy, they are so modular (and if you are lucky free). If you get board just move them about. The wood has texture and a great variation of colour (you can always paint or stain them too). So here are a few to gaze over and gather inspiration.